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Saturday, January 1, 2011
2010: Closing of the Year
Yesterday morning we started off the last day of 2010 with our annual trip to Boston. Mother Nature was nice enough to grant us wonderful weather, keeping it warm enough that we wouldn't have runny noses all day long.
- We learned that Lex is a big boy and can be potty trained.
- I can have my own library card. (Mad Dog is happy for his since now he has his 10 reserves back).
- Loki isn't over her carsick thing.
- That you shouldn't call me at 11 o'clock at night without a REALLY good reason (ask Sean).
- We learned that my friend Steve Himmer will be published in 2011. I'm looking forward to reading The Bee-Loud Glade, now if I could just get him to do a personal audio version for me.
- That Mad Dog can BAKE! You name it he's trying it and very good at it.
- That if you stop focusing on something, it'll happen. Blessings come when they're ready. Congratulations to Stacy, Jim and soon to be Big Sister Mary!
- That Loki can turn into the Red Hulk if she is mad enough at Momma.
- That even an American Girl Doll can't get Gabrielle motivated.
- Tornado's do hit Maine sometimes.(We're Not in Kansas...What the Hell?)
- That you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you and then complain about it.
- Gabrielle can fly on her own when her Mother forces the situation.
- That good Podcasts due exist and can last more than a month. Congratulations to Books on the Nightstand for making it to 100+ podcasts.
- I can step up and be strong (physically and mentally) in a bad situation, like being in a tent in a terrible storm with my two little ones. (Read: Almost Perfect Storm)
- I can sew! I'm kind of shocked by this too. (Read: Little Super Models and I Felt that Food)
- That the first floor of our building is cursed and we will never have good neighbors.
- I'm 35 and I'm okay with that. Lets see how Mad Dog does with 40 this year? (Read: Celebrating 35)
- That Lex can write his name all on his own - oh and it's Big L - Big E - Big X, no matter how many times Miss Kim tells him otherwise.
- I can still have a girls night out in the city. Thank you Stacy (and Mad Dog too)! (Read: Going Straight with a Chaser)
- Loki can talk, when she wants and given time.
- You can fry anything if you have a fairground and some oil. (Read: I Fried It, Because I Could)
- That going Local can be fun, hard work and rewarding. (Check-out: Cute Fan Girl Goes Local)
- That the "Damn Cat" won't die!
- That "sock" make a bad day good! (Mad Dog insisted I put this in. - Stacy stop laughing!)
- That part of the reason I love LEGO so much is because they don't MAKE NOISE!
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Super Model Loki |
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Setting the Tone for 2011 |
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Ice Sculpture - Boston Common |
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Seafood Mac & Cheese! |
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Ice Cream Happy! |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Booksellers Unite!

Where is this going? Yesterday I was in Borders with my step-daughter, Gabrielle, she was spending some of her stash of gift cards. I need to preference this shopping trip with I don't like Borders. I don't like how their stores are organized (I should say lack thereof) and their Children's departments are a nightmare for finding anything a parent is looking for. I would rather be in a Barnes & Noble or Waterstones (but of course I'm not in Europe - Oh how I miss Waterstones Booksellers) anytime. Also I would be happier also in an independent books store, where you can always find someone to help you with what you are looking for.
Okay - so Gabrielle starts looking in their Independent Reader section for a few things I went into the children's department to find a book for each Lex and Loki. At Barnes & Noble, where I once worked I spent the majority of my time in this department. I love the kids department, I loved making recommendations, helping lost parents and grandparents or even introducing a child to a new and exciting book. I'm guessing the "Booksellers" at the Mansfield Crossing Borders don't feel the same way (at least in the children's department on Thursday afternoon at 2:30PM). I was browsing the shelves and I hear a Bookseller say to another Bookseller, "Since when are we personal shoppers?" Excuse me? What did you say? Since when are you a personal shoppers? Oh- since you punched the clock sweetheart! Honestly what do you think you are? Unless I am completely mistaken (and if you feel this way please let me know) if you are a bookseller, you sell books and therefore you will be asked for recommendation, help finding a book and oh I don't know (most importantly if you work in the children's department) if the books is age appropriated for a child.
This interaction between booksellers completely floored me. I pulled out my cell phone and called Mad Dog right away. I explained where I was, I then ask if in the time we were at Barnes & Noble, (or any of his other many book related jobs) did he ever think of himself as a personal shopper. He laughed at my questions. Of course he did - that is what you are when you work at a bookstore. I relayed what I had just overheard. "WOW!" was all he could respond.
Being a parent and also being someone who has worked in a bookstore, I had no real issue assisting Gabrielle in finding her books, though again the layout of the store was annoying (absolutely no thought to where stuff is. By the standards at Barnes that we were use to in Enfield, this store would have been laughed at.). But if I were any other shopper, parent in the children's department and I heard that I:
A) Wouldn't dare ask a question.
B) Probably would leave without what I was looking for.
Isn't the bookstore industry having enough issue, with out alienating their customers? I know we all have rough days, if you do go stock a shelf, clean a section, but really don't discourage customers from shopping, asking for help and giving the gift of reading, because you're having a bad day.
Since this is such a negative post, I have to end it on some kind of positive note. Thank you for all the Booksellers of the world (Borders Booksellers included) who assist and recommend great books to shoppers. Thank you to the Enfield Barnes & Noble Staff (2132) of 2006 and 2007 they did all that and more, it was a pleasure working with great booksellers, wonderful people and a great group of friends (far too many to name). Thank you to the fabulous team at Books on the Nightstand , Michael and Ann your continued work and dedication to this project is a wonderful addition to the book community. The podcasts are a wealth of information, recommendation and a pleasure to listen to. To my husband Mad Dog, my second BookBoy (after Michael Kindness who was the original BookBoy in my life) who keeps me in a wealth of audio books from the library, made me get my library card and picks up my reserves each time he goes. He has recommended a bounty of books over our time together and though I sometimes ignore them and later find out he is right, I love that he keeps trying and keeps me reading.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Don't Kick the Baby!
This time of the year is full of giving and gift cards seem to be the choice for most people these days (giving or receiving). From department stores to restaurants, and the movies to online time the gift card has become a bigger (more acceptable) fall back gift than the bottle of alcohol these days. Kids even ask for them. Gabrielle's Christmas was made up of the absolutely ridiculous and gift cards. She received a onslaught of bookstore gift cards this year, which were completely practical for her however far less exciting to open and play with than say a toy.
Mad Dog and I love gift cards, most importantly the ones that allow us a possible night out together (not that we don't like it when we get something that we can do with the kids). The challenge here is we usually get a gift card or two for dinner out or a movie, but then we are stuck trying to find a sitter. The best gifts come with a built in sitter. Last Christmas my Mom gave us dinner out with an offer to watch the kids when we wanted to us it. This was life saver.

This year we received a special gift from my brother, Kevin and brother-in-law, Brent. The gift was made up of Gift Cards (see the connection to the beginning of the post) and a special offer. "1 Night Baby-Sitting Voucher". Can you beat that?
This I think comes at a time where both Kevin and Brent feel that Lex and Loki are at the age where they are ...Hmmm...I don't know what word to use, but lets say I think Kevin and Brent feel that they won't break either of the kids at this point if they were left alone with them. Which is completely fine with me. I can understand people not wanting to babysit an infant if they are not around infants, know infants and if they are possibly terrified of breaking said infant. I know that Brent mentioned that to me once about Loki. I also think Lex and Loki are completely comfortable with both Kevin and Brent to have a whirlwind time with them when they do babysit. This was an extremely thoughtful gift, which we are grateful for.
Oh, for all you jealous parents out there - it has been pointed out to me by the presenters that this voucher is non-transferable. Sorry!
Mad Dog and I love gift cards, most importantly the ones that allow us a possible night out together (not that we don't like it when we get something that we can do with the kids). The challenge here is we usually get a gift card or two for dinner out or a movie, but then we are stuck trying to find a sitter. The best gifts come with a built in sitter. Last Christmas my Mom gave us dinner out with an offer to watch the kids when we wanted to us it. This was life saver.

This year we received a special gift from my brother, Kevin and brother-in-law, Brent. The gift was made up of Gift Cards (see the connection to the beginning of the post) and a special offer. "1 Night Baby-Sitting Voucher". Can you beat that?
This I think comes at a time where both Kevin and Brent feel that Lex and Loki are at the age where they are ...Hmmm...I don't know what word to use, but lets say I think Kevin and Brent feel that they won't break either of the kids at this point if they were left alone with them. Which is completely fine with me. I can understand people not wanting to babysit an infant if they are not around infants, know infants and if they are possibly terrified of breaking said infant. I know that Brent mentioned that to me once about Loki. I also think Lex and Loki are completely comfortable with both Kevin and Brent to have a whirlwind time with them when they do babysit. This was an extremely thoughtful gift, which we are grateful for.
Oh, for all you jealous parents out there - it has been pointed out to me by the presenters that this voucher is non-transferable. Sorry!
Snow, Snow - Wait That Is ENOUGH!
Did you know it snowed last night? If you live in most parts of Massachusetts just take a moment to look out your window. There might be a little bit of white stuff out there.
The kids of course are very excited about this, Mad Dog and I have mixed feelings. Since we live in Worcester and don't own a house, we have to deal with the dreaded parking ban. Yes, yesterday morning at 11:30 AM Worcester put the parking ban into effect. Luckily for us we managed to get two good spots in front of the house. Mad Dog had to work yesterday during the day, leaving me to answer the ongoing questions:
Today has been full of cries for attention for the kids. Lex wanted to build something he got for Christmas, Loki wanted to take away anything and everything anyone else was playing with including my Nintendo DS from me. Gabrielle just kept asking how much snow we thought there was. I think both Mad Dog and I opted several times to drive to work regardless of not having to. After lunch we bundled the kids up (Thank you to all the parents that have given Lex and Loki the wonderful hand-me-down L.L. Bean snowsuits and boots). Gabrielle had to double up on layers since her Mom didn't send snow pants - for the first time in I don't know how many years. This was Loki's first really big storm. She enjoyed it. Lex was over joyed to be running around, wanting to build a snowman and take of his gloves to make snowballs like Mad Dog. Gabrielle "the snow police" kept yelling at Mad Dog to put on his gloves on for fear he would get frostbite.
The kids of course are very excited about this, Mad Dog and I have mixed feelings. Since we live in Worcester and don't own a house, we have to deal with the dreaded parking ban. Yes, yesterday morning at 11:30 AM Worcester put the parking ban into effect. Luckily for us we managed to get two good spots in front of the house. Mad Dog had to work yesterday during the day, leaving me to answer the ongoing questions:
- Is it snowing?
- How hard?
- When is Daddy coming home?
He got home and we were one of those dreaded people who ordered take out and made the delivery guy drive in the bad weather. Kids fed and then it was bed. Mad Dog knew he was working part of his day from home Monday and by 8 o'clock I had called my company's severe weather line to find that we were closed Monday. Woo Hoo for me!

The kids played, Loki tried to stay on her feet and we watched the train go by. The wind was unnerving to say the least. I didn't care for being out there when it blew. Lex and Gabrielle wanted to stay out and play, but Loki had the double green lines streaming from her nose and I thought she should go in. She wasn't having it - if the big kids were staying so was she. We played for about 5 more minutes and then tempted everyone inside with thoughts of hot cocoa.
It seemed like it took us 25 minutes to get the kids dressed for what seemed like 10 minutes of play. Next year were are honestly looking at snowshoes for all of us for Christmas. I also think there are snow pants in mine and Mad Dog's future. Our new coats were perfect, but I could have used pants and better gloves. Christmas next year? I'm thinking it's going to be a very practical Christmas next year for all of us. For now I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my snow day. I think I can pull my Nintendo DS away from Loki for a few hours of play before dinner.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Dancing Santa
This year Santa left a family gift for us, Let's Dance 2 for the Wii. I believe Santa thought it would be fun, since Mad Dog said he could kick all our butts after he saw the commercial for it on television.
The game comes with 44 songs both popular and classic. You simply hold the Wii remote and mimic the moves of the dancing figures on the screen. With each move you make correctly you earn points. Unlike other games (like Guitar Hero) the game doesn't penalize you for wrong moves while you play. You can hold dance offs and with real dance moves choreographed by real experts. The game also has a great feature called Just Sweat it Off. In this mode the you select a workout program and it sets a goal for you and tracks your progress throughout the week. I found this a lot more fun than the other Wii Fit game.
Everyone is enjoying the game. Lex and Loki enjoy dancing with family members. Gabrielle like it though gets discouraged very quickly, saying she can't do it. She is pushing on, and I keep telling her there is nothing to worry about it's just fun. Mad Dog and I love it and I think I'm going to use it a lot more than some of our other fit game. It makes the thought of exercise fun. If you have kids their is a kids version and of course the original Just Dance - which I think I might have to pick-up.
I'm off to shake my groove thing!
The game comes with 44 songs both popular and classic. You simply hold the Wii remote and mimic the moves of the dancing figures on the screen. With each move you make correctly you earn points. Unlike other games (like Guitar Hero) the game doesn't penalize you for wrong moves while you play. You can hold dance offs and with real dance moves choreographed by real experts. The game also has a great feature called Just Sweat it Off. In this mode the you select a workout program and it sets a goal for you and tracks your progress throughout the week. I found this a lot more fun than the other Wii Fit game.
Everyone is enjoying the game. Lex and Loki enjoy dancing with family members. Gabrielle like it though gets discouraged very quickly, saying she can't do it. She is pushing on, and I keep telling her there is nothing to worry about it's just fun. Mad Dog and I love it and I think I'm going to use it a lot more than some of our other fit game. It makes the thought of exercise fun. If you have kids their is a kids version and of course the original Just Dance - which I think I might have to pick-up.
I'm off to shake my groove thing!
A Christmas Story
Weeks of craziness and it's over. We had a wonderful Christmas and would like to thank everyone for their Christmas and Holiday wishes this year. The kids are currently playing with toys in different parts of the apartment. We're waiting for Mad Dog to get home (hopefully before the storm hits too hard) and watching the flurries fall already. I just watched the last good parking space (by the house) be filled.
How did Christmas go this year? With us both having Christmas Eve off made it easier on everyone. It allowed us to wake up Friday morning and take it easy, baking and getting things together for our travel later that day. Gabrielle caught a ride out to Western Massachusetts with Mad Dog's sister around noon time. This allowed Mad Dog and I a little fight free time with Lex and Loki. Packing up the kids and the car we left at around 1PM for our 3 o'clock arrival time in West Springfield. I know it doesn't take that long, but it has be come an annual tradition for us to stop in Northampton Massachusetts to pick up Mad Dog's Mom's Christmas present. Even though I made a ton of homemade things this year, I just didn't have the time to finish the bird house I was making for my Mother-in-law. For the past three years we have ended our Christmas shopping by going to Backyard Birds for a Gift Certificate and a little gift.
Oddly with being home all morning/afternoon busy with the holiday details I found that I hadn't eaten anything, only coffee had entered my system all morning. This finally caught up to me in Northampton. Since we were in a hurry we hit Taco Bell while the kids slept in their car seats. I needed something or Mad Dog might make it to his Mom's minus an arm. We arrive at Mad Dog's Mom's just after three. Gabrielle wasn't there yet, having run errands with Michelle, Mad Dog's sister. Once everyone arrived we had a little something to eat, and gifts started to be handed out. The gift process took like 3 hours. Mad Dog's Mom insists that each person open their presents in front of everyone. So spot light on Loki, spot light on Lex, spot light on Gigi, etc. To add to this process she gives each person a large gift bag, which contains a ton of little gifts. After we open all the little gifts, each family gives their gifts. The main focus of this is Mad Dog's Mom and the Reverend (Dennis, who I still don't know how to explain it, but I guess companion would work - oh and I have no clue about the Reverend part just that Mad Dog and his siblings call him that) and our kids. Mad Dog's brother and sister all exchange presents on Christmas morning with each other, we have nothing to do with this and are just happy they don't do it in front of the kids anymore. There were a few years that Mad Dog's brother would gives hoards of gifts to their nephew and not Gabrielle (bad form).
We managed to get home by eight o'clock. Everyone put on their new Christmas pajamas and I even got a family picture before the kids were in bed, presents wrapped and ourselves in bed by Midnight (miracle). Christmas Morning started very early thanks to Loki. The girls were both up and bouncing to get going by 6 o'clock. They were so excited that they went and woke Lex up, which he still hasn't forgiven them for. Tradition is that we start with our stocking which Santa lays out on our couch over flowing with candy, toys and treats. Lex was very upset with Santa at first for not getting his Pixar Up game he asked for in his stocking. Gabrielle took time to explain that he might have wrapped the gift. The kids started in on their presents. Gabrielle received a Razor Scooter from Santa, Lex got his Up game (though it was for the Leapster Explorer that Nana Sandy got him that he would receive later that day - yes this was hard to explain) and Loki got a play kitchen set. Mad Dog was thrilled with his crock pot the kids gave him and his L.L. Bean backpack I got him. I had an new iShuffle that I plan to us for my audio books alone (it is engraved with No Bounce No Play - a Stephen King quote.) The best gift of them all was the fact that we found my lost wedding band in Mad Dog's backpack box that I had wrapped. We listened to Gabrielle call her Nintendog's puppy by name a thousand times since the damn game couldn't understand Cinnamon and found that Loki had opened all the extra Mini Reese's Peanut Butter cups Santa left us. She was very proud of herself. Lex and Mad Dog took time to build Lex's tool box with his really tools before we all got dressed.
After a busy morning of playing, we packed up the car and headed to my Mom's for the day. We got there for one o'clock. Lex was immediately looking for this Explorer gift so he could play the much anticipated Pixar Up! Game. We managed to settle him down enough after opening the gift to eat dinner before giving the rest of our gifts. The rest of the afternoon was consumed by gift, naps and eating. Gift giving at my Mom's is very different from Mad Dog's Mom's (we need to find a happy medium between the two). It is like a whirlwind at her place. Paper everywhere, no one knows who gave you what, and what gifts were for what child. Loki was given birthday and Christmas gifts at the same time and neither Mad Dog and I full know what she received. The kids played after dinner while some of the adults (the guys mainly) all took naps. I helped my Mom set up her Kindle and helped her buy her first book. It was a nice quiet afternoon and we left early that evening.
Everyone had a lovely day and we ended with Loki trying to take the remaining 10 Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to bed with her.

We managed to get home by eight o'clock. Everyone put on their new Christmas pajamas and I even got a family picture before the kids were in bed, presents wrapped and ourselves in bed by Midnight (miracle). Christmas Morning started very early thanks to Loki. The girls were both up and bouncing to get going by 6 o'clock. They were so excited that they went and woke Lex up, which he still hasn't forgiven them for. Tradition is that we start with our stocking which Santa lays out on our couch over flowing with candy, toys and treats. Lex was very upset with Santa at first for not getting his Pixar Up game he asked for in his stocking. Gabrielle took time to explain that he might have wrapped the gift. The kids started in on their presents. Gabrielle received a Razor Scooter from Santa, Lex got his Up game (though it was for the Leapster Explorer that Nana Sandy got him that he would receive later that day - yes this was hard to explain) and Loki got a play kitchen set. Mad Dog was thrilled with his crock pot the kids gave him and his L.L. Bean backpack I got him. I had an new iShuffle that I plan to us for my audio books alone (it is engraved with No Bounce No Play - a Stephen King quote.) The best gift of them all was the fact that we found my lost wedding band in Mad Dog's backpack box that I had wrapped. We listened to Gabrielle call her Nintendog's puppy by name a thousand times since the damn game couldn't understand Cinnamon and found that Loki had opened all the extra Mini Reese's Peanut Butter cups Santa left us. She was very proud of herself. Lex and Mad Dog took time to build Lex's tool box with his really tools before we all got dressed.
After a busy morning of playing, we packed up the car and headed to my Mom's for the day. We got there for one o'clock. Lex was immediately looking for this Explorer gift so he could play the much anticipated Pixar Up! Game. We managed to settle him down enough after opening the gift to eat dinner before giving the rest of our gifts. The rest of the afternoon was consumed by gift, naps and eating. Gift giving at my Mom's is very different from Mad Dog's Mom's (we need to find a happy medium between the two). It is like a whirlwind at her place. Paper everywhere, no one knows who gave you what, and what gifts were for what child. Loki was given birthday and Christmas gifts at the same time and neither Mad Dog and I full know what she received. The kids played after dinner while some of the adults (the guys mainly) all took naps. I helped my Mom set up her Kindle and helped her buy her first book. It was a nice quiet afternoon and we left early that evening.
Everyone had a lovely day and we ended with Loki trying to take the remaining 10 Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to bed with her.
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