The kids of course are very excited about this, Mad Dog and I have mixed feelings. Since we live in Worcester and don't own a house, we have to deal with the dreaded parking ban. Yes, yesterday morning at 11:30 AM Worcester put the parking ban into effect. Luckily for us we managed to get two good spots in front of the house. Mad Dog had to work yesterday during the day, leaving me to answer the ongoing questions:
- Is it snowing?
- How hard?
- When is Daddy coming home?
He got home and we were one of those dreaded people who ordered take out and made the delivery guy drive in the bad weather. Kids fed and then it was bed. Mad Dog knew he was working part of his day from home Monday and by 8 o'clock I had called my company's severe weather line to find that we were closed Monday. Woo Hoo for me!

The kids played, Loki tried to stay on her feet and we watched the train go by. The wind was unnerving to say the least. I didn't care for being out there when it blew. Lex and Gabrielle wanted to stay out and play, but Loki had the double green lines streaming from her nose and I thought she should go in. She wasn't having it - if the big kids were staying so was she. We played for about 5 more minutes and then tempted everyone inside with thoughts of hot cocoa.
It seemed like it took us 25 minutes to get the kids dressed for what seemed like 10 minutes of play. Next year were are honestly looking at snowshoes for all of us for Christmas. I also think there are snow pants in mine and Mad Dog's future. Our new coats were perfect, but I could have used pants and better gloves. Christmas next year? I'm thinking it's going to be a very practical Christmas next year for all of us. For now I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my snow day. I think I can pull my Nintendo DS away from Loki for a few hours of play before dinner.
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