Busy. Busy. Busy.
I started my comic book garland this past weekend. Now I only have about a foot and a half but I'm very excited about how it is turning out. I think it should take me about a week to complete the whole things, if I work on it while we watch a little television each night.

Tuesday night we took the kids to
Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro to see Santa. I've heard about the Santa's Workshop for several years now and we thought this was the year we would go. He is there weeknights from 5PM - 8PM. Photos are free, which worked out well since Loki didn't want anything to do with the big man. Lex on the other hand was so excited he almost explored. Because Loki wouldn't sit with Santa, Santa thought we should take a family photo. I got to sit in the chair with (the plan was) the kids on my lap, with Mad Dog and Santa backing me up. Loki again changed our plans and Mad Dog held her as far away from Santa as possible. Along with the photos they have coloring sheets and crafts, as well as the slot car race track and a train display. If you haven't been to Bass Pro, you should go. It's crazy impressive and honestly a little bit overwhelming (and that is not at the peak of the Holiday Season I assure you), but well worth the walkabout.

Today I managed to pick-up the kids Christmas Pajamas at The Children's Place. We started this tradition with Loki's first Christmas. This year the kids will all be in red snowmen pajamas. Lex and Loki were very helpful (NOT) at the store, while I tried to track down a 24 month, 3T and 10/12 in the same color. The PJs were 25% and I was sent a 30% off my purchase coupon that was good the 16th and 17th. On top of that the clerk who, honestly shouldn't have been working in a Children's clothing store (she wasn't very tolerant) missed ringing up Lex's 3T pair. Which means I got 3 pairs of pjs for $13.91. I am super happy about this, and even happier that I changed my plans and did go tonight with the kids.

Along with my shopping I completed Loki's jean purse which I started Sunday once I finished Lex's messenger bag. Using the same basic construction I formed the main bag, however the strap on hers is made from the waistband of the jeans, minus the belt loops. I added to mini-pockets on the front and back for her. This will be Miss Loki's special surprise tomorrow morning since she went to bed with no
Nuk tonight. This has been a hurdle that I just haven't taken, thought it has been in the making. We had cut her Nuk nipple down to a small nub, but regardless of the work she had to do to keep it in her mouth each night at bedtime she popped it in and laid down. Tonight her Duplo Toy Story friends kept her mind off the missing Nuk. I think her new bag will be the perfect accessory to her
Upcycle T-Shirt Dress.

Right now my plan is to jump into bed and get some reading done. But before I go, I have to throw something else out there. We have recently been pushing the "Better Be Good" card with Lex with Christmas coming. It has been a 50-50 shot on if it works and if it doesn't. Today I was listening to
David Sedaris Live at Carnegie Hall at work. He reads several piece from
ESQUIRE magazine. I can't recommend this CD enough, it is a killer. I was almost laughing out loud at work today, because things struck me so funny (and I've hear it a million times). To get back to the reason I brought this up. Sedaris reads a piece on the CD that I'm thinking I might have to share with Lex. The piece is
Six to Eight Black Men. Take a moment to read the piece, though I think in print it is hysterical hearing Sedaris read it is priceless. I will just close by saying if Lex (and Loki) are not careful they should make sure they have their passports up to date, since I hear that Spain is lovely this time of year.
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