Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

It honestly still doesn't feel like the holidays to me. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because I'm not running around the Malls like other people, or that we have just a few loose ends to tie up before Christmas, whatever it is I'm just not there yet.

Last night on they way home I stopped at Target to pick up a few things to I grabbed some construction paper for Lex and I. Today I cut one inch strips and we started to make paper-chains to hang around the house. I have a feeling I'll be doing most of the making, but that's okay. He helped. I also took time during the kid's nap to cut out pieces to make a Santa and Snowman. After dinner Lex and I used a glue stick to glue it together. I also dug out our Christmas Stockings that my Mom made us (photos of stockings from last Christmas). Super Heroes for each. Mad Dog has Green Lantern, Mine is Supergirl, Gigi's is Wonder Woman, Lex is Batman and Loki is Oracle (from Batman - Barbara Gordan who was originally Batgirl before the Joker shot her paralyzing her from the waist down). I think we're going to go for our tree sometime this week. I know Lex is getting excited with each new things that comes out. I'm hoping I'll get more excited as we go.

My mindset might not be there yet because of Loki. Next Friday is her First Birthday - I feel kind of bad we're not making a huge deal about it. We're going to have pizza and cake at my Mom's Friday night. Just the family and Loki's Godmother (well her future Godmother if I ever get around to taking care of that). We did the same things for Lex, since we were both sick around his First Birthday.

I also have a few projects/gifts I have to work on. I had wanted to finish my Brother and Brother-in-Laws LATE wedding gift - have to find the time for that. Have changed the look of it like 3 times already. Think I'm happy with the latest idea. Along with that I have a shelving unit I would like to finish - oh wait START for a friends son. It's something I could work on in bed at night, and now that I have some of the supplies I need it might go a lot smoother.  I have to decorate the Lego town for the Holidays - need to hunt for pieces. Plus I have a few little gift projects to do with Lex and an ornament I would like to make too. Oh, and did I mention that Lex seems to be desperate to be potty trained - but can't seem to alert us that he has to use the potty before it happens.  If I have all this to do, WHY AM I BLOGGING?

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I am dripping with holiday spirit!! I will bottle it and share!!

As Loki's #1 fan, don't worry about her party. She has an amazing family that loves her to pieces, what more could a girl ask for?