Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Holiday Tradition

Most families have holiday traditions like leaving milk and cookies for Santa, or maybe going to a festival of lights together, but we have what I like to call the "Wisconsin Whine". Since Mad Dog and Melissa's divorce has been final, each year Melissa starts our holiday season off with this tradition. We would like to think that the Christmas music in the stores signals the start of the season, but for us it's this phone call.

For everyone who doesn't know, the divorce agreement states that Melissa is solely responsible for flying Gabrielle back and forth from WI, since it was her decision to take her there. This means, that Melissa must fly her out, and back and if she doesn't plan on staying for the time she is her, she has to fly herself back and forth twice. (Guess who had the better lawyer.) Each year Melissa asks and tries to manipulate Mad Dog into flying Gigi back and forth or something, and after this past summer where we were reasonable letting Gigi stay an extra week up in Maine with her family before coming to us - but had to listen to a whole different whine we were at the no tolerance level.

This years "Wisconsin Whine" started with the usual, I don't have enough money or time to fly her back and forth - and Mad Dog would have to help if he wanted to see her. Mad Dog stood firm. No! It's not like this agreement is new or a surprise to anyone they both signed it and agreed to it. In fact she already (and we allow it) breaks the agreement by not sending her Thanksgiving and on April Vacation. After some ranting, Melissa thought it was an excellent idea to put Gabrielle on the extension to listen to them discuss this. Mad Dog simply stated to Gabrielle, that her Mother was being unreasonable and that when she came her - whether at Christmas or next Summer, he would be happy to show her the divorce agreement that her mother signed, explaining that it was her responsibility to do this. Needless to say about an hour later Mad Dog has a message stating that Gabrielle's Aunt Jessica was going to  fly Gabrielle back and forth, and accompany her one way.

So, let the bells ring out for Christmas. The season has started and now the festivities can begin!

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