Monday, August 27, 2007

What is that I hear....Quiet!

To say it's quiet in the apartment is an understatement. Miss G left yesterday to go back to WI and with her departure a calm has fallen over our home. For the last 3 months we have been on the go and I don't just mean with Summer activities, vacations, long weekends, baptisms, weddings and work - I mean with the on going process of helping Miss G grow-up and become more self-sufficient. Something that didn't completely happen this year and I honestly believe it won't happen in a summer, since there are not enough hours in the day to do it.

On our final weekend we hosted her party - on Saturday around 5 pm. I'm a sad to say - no one from Mad Dog's family showed. My brother, Kevin, and Brent came from Mansfield. Mr. D joined us with the girls and our friends from Heath, MA and their son joined us as well. All coming from a good distance (no nearly as close as any of Mad Dog's family which all live 10 to 15 minutes from our house). I'm not planning on going into a rant, because I don't think I would stop for sometime. I will say this - this little girl is their Grand-Daughter (their BLOOD) and there were no cards or gifts sent or mentioned of them. I will never claim my family to be saints - but I'm glad that my Mom & Stuart, as well as my Nana and Brothers {both Kevin(w/Brent) & Sean(w/Tiffany)}all remembered her special day whether they could be here or not (Sean even called from Florida to talk to Miss G to send his birthday wishes).

Tonight, is my first Monday night with just Little Man. He is asleep now and I'm planning on turning in early since we'll be up early tomorrow to head to Nana Sandy's and Work. Its peaceful, but I do miss knowing she's in the other room reading or the fact that I don't have to make chicken nuggets for anyone - at least until Thanksgiving.

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