Saturday, July 14, 2007


Today I revert back to having only one child for most of the day. Miss G is going to spend time with her mother who is coming out to pick-up here care that has been rotting her for about a year now. I plan on taking full advantage of this quiet time and getting a few errands done that have to be done TODAY. With Little Man's baptism tomorrow I still haven't picked up little gifts for his two Godfathers. Yes, TWO GodFATHERS. My brothers are standing up for Little Man. As for the rest of my errands, its kind of more about getting back to a routine with Little Man. Most Saturday mornings we would get up and go get coffee, and take a long walk in the mall or something. To just get out and hang. Kind of nice, with no one asking for something, or begging for this or asking why are we here. I think all Mothers should have a time-out chair. Not for kid, but for themselves.

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