Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Hand of God

Today was Little Man's Baptism. Let me start by saying we are not religious and because of this there was great debate prior to coming to the agreement to go through with the sacrament. I guess I never thought I would be questioning baptizing Little Man, but since I'm not his only parent Mad Dog and I had to come to an agreement. I don't know if its because I had it drilled into me or if I just don't want to upset my Grandmother and Mother, but it's just something I knew I wanted have for Little Man. This doesn't mean that I'm going to start going the mass every Sunday with Little Man in tow, but it does mean he has a stepping stone for any future spiritual pursuits. I have faith in God. I don't need to go to church each week or listen to the interpretations of Gods words or the actions of the prophets that walked the earth so long ago. I just have to have faith. I have faith that this was a good decision and can only help Little Man down the road.

He was Baptized at St. Mary's Church, the church where I received Communion and was Confirmed. My family has great history with St. Mary's. As I said I received Communion and was Confirmed there as did my brother's Sean & Kevin who both had been Baptized there. Sean was also married in the church 2 years ago and my Father's funeral was held there. For many years we attended masses and were apart of the church community from teaching CCD to being on the planning committee for the church fair, September Fest. Along with this being our family church, my brothers both stood up as Little Man's Godfathers and Little Man wore the Christening gown that my Mother and her brothers were baptized in, and my brothers and I were baptized in. The fabric came from Italy and is more than 100 years old and was made by my Great Grandmother who I grew-up with.

Though I am exhausted, I have a good feeling about today. I'm happy we made this event apart of Little Man's life.

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