Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who Needs Sleep?

Everyone knows when they "should" go to bed, but do we ever really listen to that part of us? Last night after Mad Dog's late arrival home from work, we knew we should go to bed, hit the pillow and not pass go. Just go to sleep. We knew this. Mad Dog a little more than I did. My body wasn't ready for it when he got him and though I was half asleep before the walked in the door, I had my second wind.

Mad Dog threw ingredients into the bread maker so we would have fresh bread for French Toast this morning and I flipped through channels on the TV. I fell into The Graham Norton Show. His guests last night were: Martin Clunes (Men Behaving Badly), comedian Lee Mack (Not Going Out), Australian actress Jane Turner (Kath and Kim) and Monty Python legend John Cleese. They were hilarious. I love Lee Mack, we were first introduced to him on BBC American on the first season of Not Going Out. We kind of lost interest (and lost him on BBC America because of time slot changes) during the second season when the changed the shows original concept (which was better). Needless to say I was laying there watching with the lights out, Mad Dog dozing next to me, me laughing my head off and the door to our bedroom opens.

Lex's Jimmy
This isn't something I like to see happen even on a good night, but since it was one in the morning I was very unhappy. I also jumped out of my skin. Luckily for us it wasn't Zombies or a crazy serial killer (mind you I had watched In Cold Blood earlier that evening - the bad 1996 version staring Anthony Edwards and Eric Roberts. Did I say it was BAD?).  It was Lex. He came in crying, rubbing his eyes, asking if it was morning. I shut the television off immediately, leaving me to miss the last like 5 minutes Graham Norton. He jumped in bed between us, and Mad Dog asked if I smelled something.

Oh we did! Lex had his first night time accident since starting potty training. It was a big one. Mad Dog sent me to get clothes and a wet face cloth. I asked, knowing this was going to end badly, do you want to take him into the bathroom - Mad Dog said no, he'll take it from here. I ran off to get clean clothing and the requested face cloth. Mad Dog had prepared himself for a mess, placing his dirty t-shirt from the laundry basket on the bed under Lex. Lex was very out of it and upset about the whole thing and because of these two things wasn't listening to Mad Dog. Needless to say, Mad Dog, our sheets and Lex did not go untouched by poop!

Once everyone was clean, I had the task of putting Lex back to bed but first had to check his sheets. They were a little damp, so I pulled them off. Reaching under his bed I pulled his spare set of sheets from the draw. Since we were changing his sheets I thought I would change out his pillow case too. Lex was really not happy about his. He had gone from Super Heroes (Superman and Batman) to Disney's Cars and now that Lighting McQueen was going in the laundry for the night the tears flowed. We tried to calm him down. With Mad Dog still having to deal with finding us clean sheets, we didn't want to have him sleep with us. Mad Dog offered to sleep on Lex's coach until he fell asleep, Lex didn't take that offer. I said that we would have a special sleep-over, Momma and him would sleep on the floor in his room in our sleeping bags. Still not completely happy he took it. Mad Dog grabbed our sleeping bags and we cuddled up for the night complete with aquarium music box music. Lex, Jimmy and O'Brien curled up and let their tears dry. He was out before the first round of music stopped and up later that morning before anyone else in the house.

Today I'm dragging and I'm sure Mad Dog is too. He is off to run the Lego Build at South Shore Plaza today. I think he might actually break down and drink soda today. We'll have to see. It's noon time now. I'm really looking forward to nap time, because today I'm taking one. If I don't Mad Men will be a distant dream tonight.

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