Saturday, June 26, 2010

LoLo in the Sky with Diamonds

My little girl is growing up. She is already so independent and filled with more personality than some grown-ups. At bedtime she gives kisses to everyone and make her way into her bedroom. She takes a sip from her milk and tries to climb into her crib. Tonight she sat on the bench/bookcase in her room and drank her milk. We had a little talk.

I asked her if she was a big girl, and she shook her head yes. I told her it was bedtime and that she had to go night-night, she said "ok". She said OK. So cute. I can't believe she is growing up.

I have a friend that often asks if she can have her. She says "she's so stinkin' cute!" I look at Loki and I look at Lex and they cannot be more different (physically and personality wise). My blonde haired, brown eyed boy and then my brown (curly) haired, blue eyed girl. Loki keeps to herself, she is very quiet most of the time. Enjoying to play by herself often. She also usually has dirt on her dirt. Her knees skinned and stains on the t-shirt.

This post is honestly just to say how much I love her. My little Curly-Q.

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