Monday, May 31, 2010

Long Weekend (Part I)

This weekend began for me at one o'clock on Friday afternoon when I got out of work. We honestly had not "real" plans for the weekend with the exception of Friday night when my brother, Kevin, and his husband were coming up for a late Birthday dinner for Kevin. Since Kevin couldn't make things simple and give me a remote idea of what he might like I had to make it up as I went.

Though he thought he was being easy, he only made things hard. For people who like to cook, sometimes being given no direct is ten-times worse than being given ten-million restrictions. This was one of those times. I stopped at Whole Foods on my way home, hoping to fine something that would inspire me. I had made the decision that we would be having chicken, but I didn't know how said chicken was going to be prepared. I also had in mind that I was going to make a seafood starter of some kind, again what kinds of seafood was a complete mystery to me. At Whole Foods, I found Sea Scallops and that was a start. I picked up some mushroom, organic garlic, red potatoes and scallions for cooking and I picked up a New England Turkey Sandwich and bottle of water for lunch for me. I continued on my way home (Whole Foods took a whole hour). I stopped at another grocery store on my way home and a liquor store for some wine. I also picked up a fresh fruit tart for desert, instead of a cake (with cupcakes for the kids).

What did I end up making? I prepared to scallops 2 ways. The first was pan seared with panko breadcrumbs and dressed with a mango curry sauce. The second way was with a honey and butter glaze. The honey butter scallops were lightly breaded with a crushed graham crackers (Yes I know it's odd, but is worked). The chicken was dredged in flour and seasonings, browned in a pan. Mushrooms, onions, scallions and garlic were added. I made a brown gravy by deglazing the pan.  I roasted a head of garlic and made a smile garlic mashed potatoes. Along with all that Mad Dog made a rosemary dough for homemade bread  sticks. Everyone ate. Kids had cupcakes and then bed, while the grown-ups (I use that term very loosely) played a game.

Saturday morning, we did Lex and Mad Dog's Build & Grow event at Lowe's and then Target before heading home. The kids took naps, while Mad Dog headed off for work and I made cheese. The kids and I made pizza with the left over dough from the night before and the mozzarella I made that afternoon. We watched Toy Story 2 about 5 times before bedtime. Saturday was my low-key day.

Sunday morning we had planned on hitting the park after breakfast. Mad Dog had the day with us, and we planned to stick close to home. My mind got to thinking, we could drive up to Maine to the cottage and see everyone. If we had known Mad Dog was going to be off Sunday, we might have made plans to stay up there, but since we didn't it was WAY to much work to pull out the camp equipment to head up to Maine for a night on a whim, now matter how spontaneous we are with the kids. Instead we packed  a few extra diapers, PJ's and snacks and jumped in the car to surprise the family in Maine. About 2 hours later, and a million "We there?" from the backseat we pulled up to the house. Scaring the living daylights out of everyone. I think it honestly took my Mom about 10 minutes to figure out were were really there.

The kids got to play, Mad Dog and I got go to the antique shop down the road and we ate dinner. After dinner there was a fire and marshmallow toasting before pajamas and heading home. Lex and Loki didn't even make it to the Maine Turnpike before falling asleep. It was a wonderful day. Below are some of the photos from the day.

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