Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lex: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

This post is about all things Lex. Things you might know, things you think you know and things you really don't need to know.

Lex, if you didn't know, full name is Alexander John, but his nickname is Lex (NOT Alex or A.J. or anything else you think of unless you're Uncle Kevin and you remember to call him "Tapeworm".) His namesake is Lex Luthor, DC Comic's super Villain. This middle name is in honor of my Father, John Fletcher.

Lex was born February 21st, and was two weeks early. Being early we were not completely ready for him because of this on our way home from the hospital Lex got his first visit to Target, which was the start of his love affair with the big red bullseye. In the big picture he is "the middle child" with an older sister, Gabrielle and a little sister, Loki flanking him, though most of the year he is just a big brother. He loves Cars, superheroes and to occasionally wear Momma's high heels (our very own little Eddie Izzard). He has two Godfathers, his Uncles Sean and Kevin. Sean will tell you he is his favorite, but if you ask Lex he'll tell you more often than not Sean is "bad" and he "owie me".

Bedtime is a very long ritual for Lex and makes us wonder of he isn't a little OCD at times. He has a tiny scar on his chin (his Harrison Ford scar) that he got in Maine when he fell in Papa Stuart's cabin. He loves trains, running to the window when even he hears one and blaming them for waking him up at night. He hides from the sounds of Fireworks, shaking in fear and hates to watch them not matter how far away we are.  He is amazing at swordplay on Wii Sports Resort, knocking his opponents off with authority. He no longer calls Ihop "Pancake's House" (Momma is sad), but now calls it "The Egg House" or "Bacon House" depending on his mood.

He has met The Barenaked Ladies, been held up to the DC Nation by Senior Vice-President and Executive Editor of DC Comics, Dan Didio,  and has comics signed by some of the big hitters of the comic book industry. He has camped in Maine, been to Baltimore for the weekend, checked out D.C. and played in Disney for a week. Lex has badges from his Lowe's Build and Grow events which he attends with Mad Dog. He has taken gymnastics and can tumble with the best of them. He like to have Loki lay down with him to watch movies, even though Loki doesn't feel the same way all the time.

He picks his nose. Likes chocolate donuts and loves to cook. Helping in the kitchen is one of his favorite things to do. He likes going to Nona's house and loves having Gram-ma visit. Lex is very sensitive and thoughtful, knowing  enough at his young age to take a moment as ask if someone is sad. He love the library, and is confident to go up the Librarian and ask for what kind of book he wants. He is learning to draw, making strives in his portraits (which Mad Dog is happy about, he does like that modern art crap). Lex has a knack for jigsaw puzzles, which started at a young age. Though he asks for help, if left to his own devices he can work through a puzzle without any assistance.

On our weekly visits to Target, he must say hello the the change room clerk after getting a drink of water from the water fountain. We think he has a crush on Katherine, a little girl at daycare. He talks about her all the time  and even plays make-believe with an invisible Katherine when she isn't around. It's very sweet. He told me that Katherine's brother Nick is Loki's boyfriend (don't tell Mad Dog).

To finish this profile off, I am going to have a little Q&A with the man himself.

Me: Lex, what is your favorite color?
Lex: Blue. Blue....Me like Red too.
Me:  You like Red too?
Lex: Yeah, and  Purple too.
Me: You like a lot of colors huh?
Lex: Yeah.
Me: What is your favorite food?
Lex: Cheese!
Me:  Cheese (which means Mac & Cheese)?
Lex: Yeah, and Beanies (Baked Beans) too. ...Bread. Me like Bread too.
Me: Okay. What do you like to play?
Lex (running off to the living room): I'm gonna drink my cocoa.
Me: okay bye.
Lex (from the other room): Me like cookies too.

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