Sunday, March 7, 2010

In Natural Light

Weekends are made of the park. Today we got back to it. We headed out early to Elm Park for a little fresh air, sun and play. Lex was very excited about it, I think he's been dying to get out in the sun and just play. It's been a long winter. With Spring coming and better weather, we explore new parks and visit our old favors more often. My favorite part about the park is the chance for pictures. Letting the kids personality to shine through in the natural light.

Sadly the park wasn't as great as we would have liked it to be. The grounds were very wet, in fact most of the paths were muddy. We played a little ball, kicking it around between Lex, Mad Dog and I. Loki kind of just keep trying to run away. We didn't bring the stroller, we figured Loki could walk and have a little fun rather than be stuck in the stroller. I brought a long my camera as always. Think is I usually take pictures of Lex. I think this is complete because with Loki stuck in the stroller there are only so many shoots I can take with her strapped in, but today was her day to shine. She was having a good old time, walking and playing.

Lex wanted to head down to the playground for a bit, so Mad Dog and Lex took the balls back to the car while Loki and I started to take the long slow walk to the playground. Mad Dog helped Loki-Girl out and gave her a lift to the playground. It wasn't overly crowded, but still busy enough that there were kids under foot. This is the first time we have let Loki climb and explore the playground herself, with a little assistance. She loved it. Climbing, sliding and swing it was all fun of Loki. Lex was a little more careful. Not wanting to go down the big slide or go to high on the jungle gym. After playing for a bit, we walked down the other side of the park, taking pictures on a park bench and crossing both bridges before heading back to the car for a snack. With sneakers and jean cuffs covered with mud we piled in the car and headed home to beat church.

The parked worked out well in the end. After lunch and a bath, nap time was a breeze. Both of them were out in seconds of hitting the pillows. Giving Mad Dog and I quiet time before Mad Dog leaves for work.

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