Saturday, September 5, 2009

Catching up!

I can now honestly say I have tried, repeated time to blog this week and have found myself without the time. I know that is silly in some way. I mean I sit down at the computer for short stretches of time each night and still haven't manage to post anything about my week. Loki and Lex are down for naps as I type this and through I should join them I will press on.

This week has been a blur. Last Sunday was Mad Dog's birthday. Though we played it quiet, taking him out for breakfast at a local diner, when we got home I received a call from my mother alerting me to some concerning news (refer to The First Call). This resulted in to a downward spiral of that day. It ended with bath time and bedtime for all.

Monday brought work for both Mad Dog and myself, with Lex and Loki at daycare (first time and a week). My ultimate plan was to go to work, and pick up Lex and Loki and then head to the hospital to see my Mother. This all changed when I reached daycare and found that not just one of my children, but both of them refused to take a long nap that day. The thought of taking them to Norwood, visit and then to Worcester - stopping somewhere in between to feed them just didn't appeal to me. I made for home and planned to visit myself the following night after work.

Tuesday is one of my quiet commutes. Lex and Loki are home with Mad Dog and I get to drive without the continuous chattering from the backseat. At work I started Weight Watchers. This came about with some prodding from a friend from work. Inspired by my friends Michael for his Fit by Forty program (or whatever you want to call it) I thought it was time to focus some energy on getting into shape (or a shape I want). Though I am still not strong enough to type my weight here, I am planning on blogging about it. Something of an online diary of my process and program. Mad Dog has joined me in the cause. He is funny about it. Asking "what do they have against ketchup?" and "do you know how many points are in flour!" He is managing and it will be good for him in the end. My visit with my mother ended my day for the most part. She looked good and things were still unknown, but at least she was feeling a bit better.

Wednesday came and went, but we added a 30 minute walk to our evening by taking the kids to Elm Park to feed the ducks. My mother alerted me that my Great Aunt was in the hospital down the all from her - catatonic. Bath time and Bed. Thursday my Mother was released from the hospital and home. Friday brought the end of summer hours to Covidien and the start of my long weekend.

Today we started our day out early and with at trip to Elm Park with the Batman Tumbler that Lex found. He loves the remote control car, however mainly goes backwards. After the park we did errands, Home Depot and Taget. Picking up matching Justice League T-Shirts for Lex and Loki for Con. Lex is so excited (about the T-shirt, I don't think he remembers Con). Lastly we ran over to Old Nourse Farm for our CSA share.

This has been a great experience going to Nourse Farm. We have had everything from Fresh picked Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, zuchinni, lettuce, peppers, potatoes to beets, sugar snap peas, scallions, basil, parsley and radishes. We have even picked up some goat cheese they carry from another local farm. The farm has some interesting history. Nourse Farm as established in 1722 by William and Evenezer Nurse, two brothers who fled Salem, MA after the hanging of their Grandmother, Rebecca Nurse, during th 1682 Witchcraft Hysteria. Rebecca was the 71 year old innocent vicitim accused of witchcraft, who was immortilized in Arthur Miller's The Crucible.

The morning ended with a stop at Pet Smart for a new goldfish. Yes, Fish #2 died on Tuesday. There was one, and now we're back to two! This one was lucky to make it home alive. I think Lex dropped it at least once on the way in the house. Now, it's getting it's tail bit by Fishy #1.

That brings me to now. Quiet, peaceful and done.

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